My time as a Sweet Readers pilot facilitator and Young Leader has allowed me to create so many amazing connections, and has been a truly uplifting experience. I was able to not only connect with my peers and the adults, but also to create a place for us all to converse and connect as a community.
Through simple Zoom meetings I watched the adults open up about their inspiring and eventful lives. They talked about all the places and communities they have been a part of. I learned that Gene used to travel the world as a musician with famous groups. I learned that Joan loves the arts and used to be heavily involved in her local theater. I learned that Emma loves to paint and has done so for years, and so on. All of these amazing connections I created would not have been possible without this program, and I was truly inspired to further these connections. Safely connecting in person is challenging during the pandemic, but some of my fellow Sweet Readers and I were able to drop off baked goods at the residence. We felt so lucky to be able to bring joy and extend our new community outside of a virtual one. I truly believe I will continue to talk to these amazing adults in the future and look forward to our conversations in person.
I am so grateful to have a place to live in with people I love. Connecting with these adults gave me a chance to extend the warmth of my own home to others. From the simple desk in my room, with the help of the other Sweet Readers and the adults, I created a cheerful atmosphere in for our pilots. I loved seeing everyone laugh and smile with each other, and I am highly optimistic that the Fall program will be a great success!
If you are lucky enough to leave your home during this time, I implore you to think of those who are isolated to one place and community, and to create a virtual one to promote connectivity. In times like these, one simple Zoom call, three times a week, can create immense joy and dissolve loneliness – or maybe you can become a Sweet Reader and join one of our group programs!